My experience after 4 months on Medium

Klaus Wagner
Published in
4 min readJan 9, 2021


What I have achieved and in which cases I failed

Actual stats of the author

The start

On August 30 last year, I started my career on Medium with an article about statutory health insurance in Germany.

After more than hundred years: Does the statutory health insurance make Germany a socialistic country? | by Klaus Wagner | ILLUMINATION | Medium

This was followed by 2 more articles in September and an article about my results of the first month on Medium. This review of the first month on Medium earned me the first money.

The first cents I earned on Medium made me very happy. I consider my activities on Medium as a hobby, but I think that the income generated by each article is meaningful feedback and shows me unmistakably whether an article is well received by readers or not. That’s why I monitor my stats very closely and look at views and reads.

In October, I published three more articles on different topics. One of these articles

10 Things you should know before you move to Germany | by Klaus Wagner | Medium

is the most successful article so far. To date, this article has reached 248 views and 200 reads, earning me $8.86.

The Breakthrough



Klaus Wagner

Born in October 1965, Living in Germany, Business Graduate (Diplom-Kaufmann) working as court-appointed expert