My Favorite Person Turned Into My Biggest Lesson in 2023

From the source of Dopamine release to a source of Cortisol

Macey Malone


In life, we often encounter moments and people who transform the ordinary into the extraordinary. It’s in these encounters that we find ourselves transitioning from one source of happiness to another. As the clock struck midnight on the eve of 2023, I bid farewell to a year when my favorite person in the world became the most profound lesson of my life. For me, that shift occurred from the realm of dopamine to the world of cortisol — and the lessons learned along the way.

The Dopamine Days:

There was a time when every ping of a notification or the arrival of a text message triggered a surge of dopamine — a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and happiness. The thrill of anticipation, the excitement of connection — it was addictive. The presence of this particular person around me became the source of my dopamine. I slept well, remained carefree and stress-free, and functioned in more positive ways. Shared accomplishments, mutual support, extensive travel moments, and the beauty of understanding each other fueled the highs, creating an addiction to the positivity that came with the connection.



Macey Malone

Traveler. Thinker. Writer — Seeking knowledge in the world of writing