My First Post of the 1000 Short Posts in 100 Days Challenge

Please read my very first post of the challenge and comment

Le Voir N. Lewis
Published in
1 min readJun 17, 2022


1000 posts, 100 days by Le Voir N. Lewis/

Thursday, June 16, 2022, marked a momentous occasion for me and my writing career on Medium. I decided to accept the challenge of Dr Mehmet Yildiz and enter myself in the 1000 Short Posts in 100 Days Challenge.

Yes, a challenge of this magnitude does exist. My first article was published tonight by the Blue Insights publication,

One story down, 999 short posts to go. I can do this. I was born to do this.

I will conquer this. Please join me in the challenge and let’s support each other. It takes a village!

