My First Week as an Erotic Writer Is Over — Here Is My Report

Amazon is slow, but so am I

René Junge
The full time writer


Photo by Zdeněk Macháček on Unsplash

Yesterday I reported that I uploaded new, more harmless covers for the first three volumes of my series at Amazon USA. The old covers had caused me to end up in the adult dungeon, which means that my books are practically impossible for customers to find in the US shop.

Yesterday evening I received a message from KDP support that my changes have been implemented. But the new covers are still not online.

This is annoying because I wanted to ask the support to remove the adult filter as soon as the new covers are online. Now I have to wait and see.

Additionally, volume three is still being checked and is not yet online. Meanwhile, I’ve been waiting for over forty-eight hours for the release. In the German shop, I have never had to wait longer than twelve hours.

Yesterday there were no sales for me. But with 393 pages, I reached a new record for the pages read about Kindle Unlimited.

For comparison. The day before yesterday, I had 269 pages and the day before 211 pages. So the trend is clearly upwards.

In my article yesterday, I announced that I wanted to finish part four of the series in German today and publish it in the German Kindle-Shop.



René Junge
The full time writer

Thriller-author from Hamburg, Germany. Sold over 200.000 E-Books. get informed about new articles: