My Flying Heart

The heart of a new mother

Radwa Roushdy


Image by Jill Sellers from Pixabay

Nowadays I’m potty-training my two-year-old kid. For instance, today when we were testing how the training went with being in another home other than ours for the first time since we began the training, my kid’s grandparents’ home, I tried to get my kid to the bathroom many times so as not to feel embarrassed if an accident happened there, but almost all of my trials were negative and useless although he agreed to sit on the toilet. Until the waited moment came, I was sleeping on the couch, suddenly, he said it, “I want to pee!”. Everyone watched me and even I, don’t believe how I jumped from my sleeping, carried him and put him on the toilet in just about two seconds! How my ear caught this trigger from being almost asleep and after he sat, my heart had quick pulses! But then I was proud of my kid. It’s almost only one week since we decided to make him diaper-free. Few hours before this situation, his dad heard him saying the same, I took him and let him sit too, but I discovered that his dad miss-heard the word and he just was using another word that rhymed with that we were expecting!

My heart as a mother reminds me of the heart of a bird, delicate and flying. And also when my kid hugs me I feel I have wings that embrace him. Yesterday while I was getting him to sleep at night, he hugged me and simply said, “I love you!” And once I succeeded in…

