My Freelance Writing Journey

What I do as a Freelance Writer to find work

3 min readAug 9, 2023


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Hi guys! I hope you’re doing well. Long time no see, huh? Well, there are good reasons for that. I’ve recently graduated from high school, meaning I’ll be entering University in a few months. So I’ve decided to take time off medium to build a freelance writing career to earn money to help me afford some school supplies and take care of myself.

For those of you who don’t know, I have a website( that you can check here, hmm hmm) where I upload articles on everything computer science and technology. I spent the last month uploading more articles there so I could use it as a portfolio when applying for jobs.

I started by applying for jobs on Indeed. That led to nothing. I tried applying for jobs on LinkedIn. But again, nothing. After applying for more than 100 jobs and getting no response, I came to the conclusion that job boards are a very inefficient way of getting freelance work. Especially for newbies with no degree because you’ll always be left aside for a more experienced writer. I hated these job boards because they took so much effort for nothing.

That’s when I discovered a powerful tool offered by LinkedIn. You see, LinkedIn is a place where there are a lot of industry professionals and people working in the same field as you.

So I thought to myself, “If I can just connect with some of these writers and editors, maybe I will be able to get a job as an assistant writer where I will be helping out freelance writers in case they have too much work, or better still, get a job as a freelance writer in one of these publications.

And that’s what I did. I was dishing out connection invites like it was no one’s business. And I was mostly writing to Americans and Europeans, but they never responded. Instead, I got responses from Indians.

Now Indians, I love you, but the way you pay writers should be qualified as human rights abuse. All the companies willing to hire me were proposing absolutely outrageous rates. Then I saw this job opening for a freelance writer in this huge Indian content writing agency. I applied and got selected. That was one of the happiest days of my life. I thought “My life’s about to change, I will finally be getting high-paying jobs” Wrong! The pay there was even worse. They pay writers 3$ and 4$. Even the more experienced writers there don’t make more than 10$ for a 1000 words blog post.

Which I can’t understand, you are a huge agency, with some of the best writers in the world. You work with these big companies. Why not charge them more? They have huge marketing budgets, Charge them!!!

So now I spend my time scouring the internet in search of greener pastures. I have been emailing companies that might be interested in hiring me. I also have these articles that I wrote as test articles when applying to these agencies. And they’ve just been sitting on my Drive. So I’m trying to sell them to some publications. I’ve gotten no responses so far, but I have to keep going.

I hope you enjoyed this. Tell me in the comments if you want more. I promise they won’t be as long as this one. If you want to hire me, you can do so at . Do have a nice day!

Originally published at




College Student passionate about programming, game development and Growth