My Friend Didn’t Get A Job Because He is Not “Pushy” Enough

When did being “pushy ”become a good skill?

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My friend applied for a job. I was sure that he would get it.

The successful applicant was required to have at least 1-year of experience in the media industry.

My friend has 20-year experience. He launched worldwide campaigns with some of the biggest brands out there — P&G, Coca Cola to name a few. In my opinion, he was overqualified.

He excelled in his first interview. Within two days, he had an interview with the manager. He was asked questions about his previous experiences — his answers were impeccable. The interview went over an hour and he had a good feeling about the application, he seemed confident.

Within a week the HR called him to let him know that they decided to go with another candidate. They told my friend: “ You have enormous experience in the industry. But it’s my professional feeling that you aren’t pushy enough for this role.”

Definition of “pushy”: behaving in an unpleasant way by trying too much to get something or to make someone do something.

I was appalled. So let me get this straight: “20-year experienced marketing manager, with a proven track record of delivering results, with fluent knowledge



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Writer, Screenwriter, Role Model and just ultra-cool babe. I’m fearless. I’m a writer. I don’t quit. I use my imagination to inspire others! I know who I am!