My Friend That Challenges Me

Martin Rieck
Published in
3 min readJun 4, 2022
Illustration by Martin Rieck

When I first saw her, she glistened and called me towards her. Her appearance; Rest for my weary soul. She showed me my sad reflection, allowing me to ponder my existence on this restricted Earth.

She showed me that she moved freely, without succumbing to the pressures we place on ourselves. While she was calm, she had a strength my feeble mind could not comprehend. I could but watch her power in every minuscule movement she made, but that only left me wondering what she was capable of.

That night she grew cold and indeed showed me her might. Her mighty voice unrelentingly penetrated my very being, convicting me of my self pity. She challenged my weak supposition of control, pressing hard on every crevice within my timid mind.

My spirit, challenged in every cove. My personality, being moulded by eccentric manifestations of challenging beauty. My humble thought; to tame her, only presented me weaker than before, dashing my frail struggles in worthless lack of comparison.

I could stand it no longer. I had to retreat. For my limitations were flayed open before her. I sought refuge, but still she found me. Intimidating my rationale at every turn. I collapsed through human exhaustion. The totality of my weakness.

When I awoke, something had changed, her demeanour had oscillated back toward the rest worthy escape I had first known. She was once again welcoming and enticing. Her voice beckoning that I once again join her.

I gathered the crisp air, filling my lungs, that I may speak. However, the voice that protruded from my lips was new. I scrambled towards her in a flurry, that I may once again gaze upon my pitiful composition. I knew the person looking back at me, but barely recognised myself.

My legs were no longer useless appendages for travel, they had a new sense of authority- confidence abounding. My mind had come out from the grotto it called normal. It was now reinforced by a surrogated affirmation of wisdom. My arms, no longer the floppy twigs that insistently followed my body. They had become as strong as the hills that used to shroud them.

I did not understand how she had changed me without my noticing and without my consent. But I liked what I was looking at. She had made me beautiful again. Incomparable, as a child perceives themselves.

The clouds forming at my back began to tap on my shoulders, ushering me back from whence I came. It was time to leave her. I may have shed a tear which she swallowed up immediately, dispersing it within her very being. She pushed me away, for she too, knew it was time for me to leave.

Making my way up the steep escarpment that separated her from me, I turned around and smiled, for I knew I would do it all again tomorrow. Till we speak again my friend: The Sea.



Martin Rieck

Curious mind, deep soul, questioning life, wandering definition. A trans disciplinary designer doing his failing best to take the world in.