My Generation Is Worst, Period

This Generation is too much attached to smartphones. This is the worst thing. Another type of Social Distancing.

Ashutosh Nandanwar
4 min readJul 26, 2020


Photo by ROMAN ODINTSOV from Pexels

I’m born in the ’90s. And we are the generation or (the only generation) who has seen the continuous technological changes.

I belonged to the generation where people used to talk with each other Face-to-Face, where kids were keen to play on the ground. I remember my summer holidays, whole day spending on the ground playing games, and still, return home with a dissatisfied mind, still wanted to play more. Unlike today, kids prefer to stay home and play on smartphones. These kids even might play on the ground but they never had seen days like us. We had a thirst to play outdoor and mesmerizing to try different sports.

Nowadays, people are so attached to their cellphones. For them, it’s hard to believe that these cellphones are the primary way to distraction. Technology is meant to ease our work and not to distract and extend our work.

This occurs because maybe most of the youths don’t understand the use of a cellphone. They spent their time on unnecessary applications which does nothing but drain energy from the user. Even if today’s smartphone is way smarter and involves various features, this doesn’t mean that it’s our only job to use them or we should use them. These features are meant to be used when needed.

The most used application are Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and Tik-Tok with millions of active users. When people are happy, they post it. When people are sad they tweet it. It appears to be that a person’s 80% of life is available on these applications. When people feel depressed or unenthusiastic they lay on the couch spending the whole day on cellphones and become lazy ass.

Photo by Christopher Ott from Unsplash

Today’s generation has a thirst for fame and attention. Today everybody wants to be an influencer but some of them are fake. They fake it to get attention and in reality, none of them are even close to what-they-call-themselves on the internet. In the process to get fame and attention, people do unacceptable acts. Here they don’t realize that their lives are been controlled either by the idea of fame and attention or by their device.

Meeting new people over media isn’t a difficult task but creating a good bond is much difficult over the phone. It’s difficult because a lot of fake people involve and their true identity is unrevealed. Also when new people meet each other over the phone they have tones of topics to chat but when they meet, they could bearly create an environment like the phone one.

The hardest part is to know about a person’s emotions over the phone. These emotions can only be known or seen in-personal. This pandemic has forced us to maintain Social Distancing but we were already Social Distanced over the phone and we were unknown to it.

How hard can it be to keep aside these devices and have a proper meet?

This question doesn’t even exist in the first place and it was never hard. We made it appear to be hard. It’s hard because we have fear. Fear of skipping, fear of not catching up. Not catching up on what are our friends doing, fear of missing who uploaded what. These fears are needed to be restrained or else it will restrain us from society.

To restrain this fear, I stop worrying about the little things. I give these things very little importance. I made myself realize that these things make no difference. I don’t care what people do on social media. For professional work, I don’t mind talking or chatting over a cellphone. But if I need some change within myself or I feel low, I prefer to meet a friend. If couldn’t meet a friend, I will spend some time in Cafe having coffee.

I have realized that its hard to stay away from cellphones and social media because the actual world is shifting over the internet. Technology has made our work a lot easy but it has also made distraction too easy to reach us. This leads to procrastination. But I have also realized that I must carry important work on the phone and catch up important feeds on social media.

