My Goals For My Shopify Store

Jacob Johnson
Published in
2 min readApr 12, 2023

This is my second business using Shopify and here are my goals.

Photo by Roberto Cortese on Unsplash

I have always been fascinated by what businesses people can create using Shopify. Some very successful businesses have come out of using Shopify and I have actually created a single business using Shopify and sold it for a significant amount of money.

But lately, I have been focusing on writing and my Medium account, rather than on Shopify.

But then, like a light bulb in my mind. I thought, why not build a Shopify store and use my Medium blog to talk about it?

What am I building?

Without giving out too much detail, I decided to start a Print On Demand shop (POD) on Instagram. It will be focused on a particular item in the news and will *hopefully* gain a large following through Facebook ads and Instagram.

What are my goals for this new store?

My goals for this new store are to produce $3k a month within the first year. By December I would like to start more stores around the same topic. Of course, this topic is controversial, so we will see how the first store goes.

Where am I advertising this new store?

I want to take a different approach to advertise this store and stay away from the traditional methods (Facebook and Google). But, I may use them if I find the different approaches not working. I hope to write about these new approaches later in a longer article so you can make a decision if they are right for you.

How successful will I be?

That is a tough question to answer! But, I hope to be as successful as I can be. I think the first part of being successful comes down to the goals I defined in this Medium post.


I hope that this new little project is successful, but truthfully I would love to learn from my mistakes and get sales. Hopefully, this project is right for me and I am able to create a successful business. Wish me luck!

