My Grandfather Said I am Reincarnated From His Mother

Maremia Azani
Published in
5 min readOct 7, 2023
My Grandfather is an old man on the left side. My Great-Grandmother is on the right side.

Am I reincarnated from her? — My first though when I heard the story how I was born.

The concept of reincarnation itself is a blurry thing for me. Deep down, I have a weird feeling about the glimpse of past life. The signs are pretty common. I’ve always been interested in old houses, old books, old-fashioned style, old life, and many old things. Sometimes, I kind of feel an instant attachment to some old buildings, gigantic trees, or maybe antique stuff. Another sign that probably happened to me is a constant Deja Vu, precognitive dream, and strong intuition. — At least, that’s the sign that the internet says. Even the bias is very common.

But as long I learn and study, I tend to hear there is no probability people are born again inside another body. At least, I have faith we will born again only after we die in another dimension.

But I have a unique story about how I was born. And because of these stories, my Mom becomes a favourite daughter-in-law for my father's family. So, how is the story going?

My Grandfather's Point of View

My grandfather comes from a wealthy family and he married my grandmother while she was about 13 years old — if I’m not wrong.

My grandfather was so close to her mother. He loves her, so even though he moved to North Sumatra, he brought a piece of her photo. My great-grandmother died at 101 years old in Selasa Kliwon (One of the days at Javanes Date System). Years after that, I was born on the same day. Our culture believes that the old soul is reborn again — on the same day as the old person dies and reborn as a new person. From the story that I heard, the only person that I gave a smile to after I was born was my grandfather. He believes her mother’s soul was reborn inside my body or what we know as reincarnation.

My Father's Point of View

On top of that, I also heard how my father gave me a name and how it has a straight line with the story I was born.

These all started when my father decided to go back to his homeland in West Java — Madiun, and Ponorogo to be exact. Having a honeymoon plan while also visiting old family is such a common thing here. Of course, at that moment neither of my parents hadn’t had sex yet. They likely decided to enjoy family time. Long short story, my father went to Malang to visit his friend and my mother stayed at Madiun for a while. After that, my father decided to go back to Madiun. He wants to pick up my mother and start their honeymoon.

There was a strange occurrence when my father sat on the bus. He just chilled and closed his eyes because everybody did that. Shortly after, my father heard a sudden voice say something. “You will have a daughter. Her name is Azani.” My father woke up, opened his eyes, and looked around. He only finds everyone is busy with their business. In that confusion, my father chose to let go. Prefer to say to his wife after he arrives. And yes, my mother completely doesn’t believe him. But my father has a strong faith if that voice isn’t a plaything.

A half year after that, I was born. Surprise! I was born exactly at Azan time. In the meantime when we heard the first Allahuakbar from the Mosque, I was out of my Mom’s womb. Coincidence? Or destiny?

My Mother's Point of View

Another story comes from my mother. While she was pregnant of me. She has a weird dream, about Mbah (my great-grandmother) who already passed away. “I heard her ask me to buy sego pecel — white rice with vegetable and spicy peanut sauce, for her. After that she wants me to send it under a tamarind tree. That tree is a place where she was buried.”

For your information, sego pecel is my great-grandmother’s favorite dish. My mother craved those dishes so much while she was pregnant. After that dream, my mother told my grandfather about it. His response is quiet calm. Well… He knows, my mother knows.

My Grandmother's Point of View

The next story comes from my grandmother’s side. Basically, she is busy doing business. So, when my mother was at the hospital she still sold that Jamu (Indonesian traditional medicine). But days before I was born. She had a weird dream too. I don’t remember the dream. But she said that she knew it would be a girl. So, she bought earrings for me.

When she went home with her bicycle, she asked her husband the gender. He said, a girl. My grandmother smiled, she knew it. And the earrings will be mine. I used it until it was broken when I was in Primary School.

At the end of the story, probably it’s one of the big reasons why I want to move to Java. There has been a strong desire to move there since I was at college. I want to come back. Learn its tradition, culture, and of course my ancestors.

Though the concept of reincarnation itself is identic with Hindu. I still have a strong belief that many probabilities are still there. Especially in my case, I was reborn from an old body of my own family. However, it still can be explained logically by genetics theory. The new body will bring the same DNA as its ancestors. It can be your great-great-great grandfather or grandmother you never know. Theoretically, it proves that every human being is connected.

In this modern age, people tend to find scientific proof behind everything, which is good. We need to develop our knowledge right? But, I see some trends going everywhere in social media — Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube about some spiritual things. And of course, reincarnation is one of the legit topics.

So, what do you think?

