My Home Office Is My Castle

Every morning from my desk, I observe the exodus of the working population.

René Junge


Photo by Cody Board on Unsplash

It is only two years ago that I was one of them. Every morning my alarm clock rang at five o’clock so that I still had time to shower and have breakfast before I went to work.

My commute to work took between twenty minutes (on perfect days) and one hour (on the worst days), depending on the traffic situation. On average, I was at least one hour each day on my way to and from work.

Week after week, at least five hours of my life disappeared into the abyss of traffic. When I arrived at work, I was already under stress and adrenaline. When I came home in the evening, it was no different.

It was incredibly hard in winter. I left the house in the dark in the morning and returned when the sun had long gone down.

Every day I had to sit in the office for at least eight hours and was doomed to do everything exactly when and exactly as my boss demanded. I never got a raise in my fourteen years with the company.

If I wanted to go on vacation with my wife, we had to plan almost a year in advance because my company always wanted to have the vacation plans at the beginning of the year.



René Junge

Thriller-author from Hamburg, Germany. Sold over 200.000 E-Books. get informed about new articles: