My Husband And I Lived Apart For Almost Two Years

It was due to circumstances beyond our control, but now we are back together and stronger than ever

Yewande Ade


Photo: Justin Groep on Unsplash

Living far away from my husband for so long was something I never thought would happen, but it did.

Shortly before the pandemic started, I traveled to my country of birth, Nigeria to visit my parents. What was initially a pleasurable visit turned out to be months of frustration and uncertainty.

The pandemic started and I got stuck with my two kids. My visa expired during this time and every chance of an immediate return seemed utterly impossible.

With no certainty of future events, I was left with no choice but to be expectant and hopeful.

At this point, the South African embassy had shut down their office and their phone lines were unreachable. Their website clearly explained that all their activities were on hold because of the pandemic.

For months, I constantly followed the news to see if flights had resumed and constantly checked if there was any update on the embassy re-opening.

The rising coronavirus cases didn’t seem to help matters. I got more discouraged each time I turned on the television.

