My Husband is Leaving for Four Days

I’m ecstatic

Lisa Alexander


Photo by Everton Vila on Unsplash

The last trip my husband took a trip without me was to meet his college roommate in New York for three days. That was six years ago.

My husband and I have been married for almost 30 years and I love him. But, when he’s home he is the king. Everything has to be his way. When he walks into the house the first thing he does is close all the blinds, convinced that people are outside trying to peek in. If I had my way I would close the blinds before I go upstairs to bed, but I don’t worry about Peeping Toms eagerly looking in when I’m sitting watching TV. I’m just not that cute.

Another thing Charlie does is empty all the clean dishes from the dish drainer. I wash dishes but I don’t dry them, so I’ll leave them in the drainer to dry. Usually, there are just a few things in there, but he has to empty it as soon as he gets home, making me feel like I haven’t done all that I could have while he’s been at work. I have four part-time jobs, but I’m still home much more than he is. I do all the laundry, dishes, cooking and most of the cleaning, except my bathrooms, which I hire out — life is just too short to stick my hands in the toilet. But when Charlie comes home and empties the dish drainer, he makes me feel like a lazy slob. I could've been slaving for an hour over a nice dinner, yet still, I failed as a housekeeper…



Lisa Alexander

Former English professor, full-time yoga teacher, failed Greek Orthodox. Searching for wisdom, clarity, and a fresh bag of circus peanuts.