My Journey So Far

An Introduction by Kevin Buddäus

Kevin Buddaeus


An image of the author, Kevin Buddaeus, taken at a restaurant table.
This is really the best shot I got in a gallery of 600+ photos | Courtesy of Kevin Buddaeus (Author)

My name is Kevin Buddäus. I wasn’t born a writer. I wasn’t interested in becoming one. And I sure as hell never thought that I might have what it takes to become one. I’m the guy who skips a book to watch the movie of it.

So how and why would I ever come to writing? To tell you the truth, it was not a stroke of passion (but it is now, so all is good! :D). Writing as a freelancer was an experimental attempt at securing my income after I lost my last job and the job market where I live (Japan) being “not that great” for a guy in my position.

If you want to learn about how or why I got to Japan, please read THIS (It’s much more interesting than my path to writing — at least in my own opinion).

Originally I learned truck driving as a profession. I got my licences in Germany in 2008, at the age of 18.

Next I’d complete a 6 month course called BGQ (beschleunigte Grundqualifikation — accelerated basic qualification) which would train me in all important aspects of being a truck driver. International law, transport regulations, economics, safety, advanced first aid training, vehicle maintenance and repair and all that.

Lastly I’d qualify for another certificate called ADR (Accord européen relatif au transport international des marchandises



Kevin Buddaeus

Follow me on this long journey to grow and learn together. We can make the world a better place. Connect with me via Twitter: @KBuddaeus