State Auditor’s Journer| Lawschool |Life

My Lawschool grade qualified the Dean’s List BUT…

My First Semester Lawschool Journey

Jennica Rose


It’s been quite some time since I returned to writing again. Things have been so twisted and hard lately and here I am back at it!

Photo by Iñaki del Olmo on Unsplash

Recently, the Philippine Bar results were announced, and our country just gained 3,992 new lawyers. Watching the passers and their families cry tears of joy, I couldn’t help but feel their sentiments. I imagined the process they went through: the four (4) to seven (7) years of law school, the endless reading of cases, the probable humiliation and embarrassment during recitations. It’s definitely not a walk in the park, and this success is truly resounding. Congratulations to all the new lawyers!

Moreover, I’m proud to share that the University I’m enrolled with, Xavier Ateneo De Cagayan, ranked second (2nd) as the top-performing school nationwide for first-time takers in the Schools with 51–100 Candidates Category.

But now, back to reality.

I’ve always had doubts about enrolling in law school, but here I am in my second (2nd) semester, constantly struggling with work, school, and life balance.

In CY 2014, I started law school at a younger age, but our office advised us to withdraw from classes due to work overload even before the semester began. Although I occasionally wonder about what could have happened if I didn’t stop, I appreciate the turn of events. Perhaps the experiences I gained from work, such as writing replies to appeals, paid off. Now, I understand cases better than when I first tried to read them in CY 2014. During the waiting period of reflection, I made sure to make good use of my time and earned my Masters in Business Administration (MBA) and Certified Financial Marketing Professional (CFMP) at the same university.

Fast forward, I finally took the courage and made it to the first semester of law school. Can you just imagine how time flies so fast?!

I couldn’t be any happier knowing that I finished the semester with a good grade. During our general assembly, the Dean’s Listers were announced and published online. Prior to the start of the classes, we were informed that irregular students wouldn’t qualify for the Dean’s List, and last semester, I didn’t take two classes due to work-related reasons.

To be honest, it would have felt even better to have the chance and be announced, but of course, I’m not on the list. Nevertheless, when the Dean’s Listers were announced, I was ecstatic to learn that my Grade Point Average (GPA) would have ranked third (3rd)!

It meant a lot to me, knowing that my efforts were paid off, and I’m on a good track. It felt liberating and even sweeter when you thought it was unimaginable to begin with. Small, consistent steps.

I hope I can still make it through the next semester. I’ll keep you posted for sure!



Jennica Rose

A State Auditor. Unfolding Stories from Work and life to Scoops, Short Stories and recreationals.