My Life Journey

Dr.Airy Bangash
Published in
6 min readMay 29, 2023
Photo by Redd F on Unsplash

“It’s your road and yours alone, others may walk it with you but no one can walk it for you” (Rumi)

Since I was a kid I was a firm believer in this quote I did not know of this quote but somewhere in my heart I believe it……. yes! I believe it-that turn out to be the basis of my success… I am a doctor today but I didn’t stop there and I became a writer, life is a continuous journey. Stay tuned I will share my amazing story, it will give you an insight into success and journey and what life is all about.

“Success is a journey, not a destination”

I am succeeding day by day- every day whenever I learn a new word a new skill a new manner a new behavior I am succeeding and I am continuing my life journey and the journey is going on… You need to go on please don’t stop if you can’t run then walk if can’t then creep but please don’t stop keep going there is no end and no limits don’t let your inner spark the shine in your eyes dim its a sign of life a sign of breath…

When you decide to stop, your life will turn into a lifeless, dull painting with nothing beautiful in it. You will like a willow tree that depicts sadness. Your mind and thoughts will turn into stagnant water…clever mind will understand for sure

As I mentioned earlier that your life must go on your journey and should not be stopped.

If you think contrary to my opinion we can have an argument and it will go on but it won’t be very long and you will be convinced

Photo by Clemens van Lay on Unsplash

Whenever you decide to stop it might amuse you at first thought and you might feel like flying in the air but it will be for a very short time and you will realize “life is never boring but some people choose to be bored”

Whether you are rich or poor it does not matter you have to work if not from a business point of view at least for your family you have to work you have to take care of your kids when they are ill you have to organize and use your energies to come up with best ideas and choose best for their comforts and education to make them their best versions. Also, you have to work for your partner and the journey goes on….. “life is not a bed of roses”

Photo by Fab Lentz on Unsplash

My Life Journey:

Here I come to the title of the story. I am very excited to share with you about my life journey. I will share with you the extraordinary qualities of mine when I was a kid that if your kid has you are lucky your kid will be very successful in life. Also, I will tell you about my shortcomings that I later came to know about not realizing that I am having them.

First of all, I will mention my background. I am the eldest of my siblings. My parents were very glad to have me. They even changed my name 5 to 6 times. Since my parents were poor but they were trying hard to raise me. We were living in a joint family. My mother was a housewife and my father was earning very little. There were no picnics and no outings because of low income but I was their sole reason for happiness.

When I was a toddler I always happen to be very quiet and curious. I had never irritated my mother. Everyone used to play with me and I used to make them happy. I had no toys but still, I was happy because we were many kids almost 5 or 6 in a joint family. I had never played with dolls or bears because my parents never let me. Now I believe that they were right because I would be a burger kid and not strong as I am today.

Photo by Anda Deea on Unsplash

Since I was in a poor economic condition little piece of happiness was very huge for me. A small chocolate bar or toffee would give me immense happiness and joy. Then there come a time when a school was inaugurated in my neighborhood. When two of the school teachers came to my house for school promotion my parents decided to admit me there. That was the greatest pleasure for me and I was very much excited. The school was like a dream come true for me. I was a curious child and would go to school to learn something new each day. My father make me write basic alphabets and numbers up to 1000 when I was in kinder garden.

Because of my extraordinary interest in academics, I was even able to read fluently in 2nd standard. Every year I stood first in my class. My parents were really happy with me and I got 17th position in my province in 10th standard.

I joined one of the bests colleges in my province. The spark in my eyes and my inquisitive nature still prevailed but I was a little tired in my college. So I was studying less. I got just average marks in my college then there came the entrance exam into medical college. I worked hard for that but unfortunately, I did not make it.

Ahhh!!!!!! Dark days of my life. Since I was a kid I had a dream of medical college. I blamed myself for not studying deeply in the last 2 years. I was in depression for almost a month. But as I said my life journey continues. I buckled my shoes, tied the seat belts, and started my journey again. I stood again with all my powers and stamina. My inner self was telling me “You can do it”

As it is said that “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm” so I decided not to lose hope that later on proved fruitful to me. I worked hard for three months day and night and again appeared in the medical entrance test and cleared it.

Photo by Sasun Bughdaryan on Unsplash

Some shortcomings of studious people:

Some of my shortcomings were not able to communicate as I was introverted and preferably living within my boundaries I improved later on.

I was a deep thinker and used to be lost in my thoughts not knowing what was happening in my surroundings for which my mother always scold me.

I could not actively participate in household chores like my other siblings because of my studies.

Wrapping up:

Today I am happy after becoming a doctor and now I will be able to treat people that will give me satisfaction. My nature is not changed and I am still having a spark in my eyes trying to learn new things. So I started writing on medium and vocal media and decided to spread my knowledge in the world. You can hire me for content writing on Fiverr or you can contact me at I can write for you.

And life goes on

Happy writing!

If you like my story kindly read other pieces of my work.

You can visit my blog by clicking here or You can hire me for content writing on Fiverr.

Originally published at



Dr.Airy Bangash

I am a doctor and content writer, mostly writing health related content. Hire me for content writing on Fiverr and at