My life with discipline on and off

Here is how I mastered discipline and lived up a better life after that

Lakshay Kamra
7 min readNov 1, 2023


Photo by Chander R on Unsplash

So, I started to improve myself one year ago (September 2022).

At that time, the most important thing that I lacked was discipline(obviously as I was a brokie).

So this is what my life looked like when I had no discipline :

  1. Get up
  2. Waste time
  3. Waste time
  4. Shower
  5. Prayer
  6. Cheap dopamine
  7. Cheap dopamine
  8. Family time
  9. Family time
  10. Waste time……….

Haha, now I laugh at that.

I think after reading this you would have already imagined what I was a year ago. Obviously I needed some discipline to enhance myself.

This is when I started my quest to learn how to develop discipline.

Even though I realized that I needed to be disciplined 3 months prior of starting my self improvement journey, still I got it up my sleeve in just one month.

And boom,

My progress got from nearly zero to nearly hundred, I completely transformed ! And thanks to that discipline, now I cringe at me one year ago. You won’t believe it but I even cringe at my 1 week older posts.

So, how did I do that ?

How did I convince myself to become disciplined ?

How did I do those things ?

So in this article, I will answer your every single question related to discipline from how did I develop that to does discipline really pay off ?

Let’s hop on it !

So first off,

Does discipline really pay off ?

~ Hell yes !

So, 1 year back I ran on motivation, I completed the work after watching those reels by the so-called “influencers” on Instagram. The motivation that I gained from those reels just rested for a few moments and then went away. Also taking away my ability to work.

Now, I laugh at myself back then cause:

~I believed that those excuses were real.

~I had a purpose but I just didn’t know how to overcome those excuses.

~ I watched reels, haha!

~Lastly, I thought that I was tired, haha !

Along with affecting my progress, not being disciplined was also affecting everything related to my purpose in life. It was making me lazier. The light of my purpose was vanishing in the darkness of my laziness. But I am proud of myself that in those starting days, I chose to overcome all this and not quit.

And after gaining discipline, I have realized the value of discipline. I have realized the things it can grant me. I have realized that discipline is not a gift but a bonus pack. Below are the things included in that bonus pack.

  • Cut off cheap dopamine(reels or anything that motivates you) and stop relying on it.
  • Go from a brokie to live up a better life.
  • Progress
  • Make your parents proud.
  • Make a lot of money

Are you willing to take this bonus pack?”

If yes, then stay tuned to learn how to grab it.

So how did I develop that discipline ?

First is “Killing off excuses”- the most easy part !

First of all, cutting off excuses is different from killing em’ cause you are always gonna come up with excuses so you can’t cut them off but I am gonna show you how to kill em.

I made overcoming excuses a hundred times easier when I found out about this method.

So, when I started dealing with excuses, the first thing that I saw everyone babbling about was — Cut off excuses.

But here’s something great that I found : Instead of cutting them off, kill em’

And here’s a weapon that I am giving you for that to make it a little bit easier…


Whenever you make excuses, just ask yourself a question that pulls out the real truth from you. Just be honest with yourself.

Tired ?

Ask yourself — “Are you being honest with yourself or is it just an excuse ?”

Don’t want to get to work ?

Ask yourself — “Haha, really ! Is it even an excuse ?”

Cold outside ?

Ask yourself — “So, what ?”

Think about it,

What are those excuses trying to make you do ?

Just to make you procrastinate and stop you from achieving your dreams, right ?

How about you just be honest with yourself and realize every single time when you are making excuses ?

Will it not stop you from sitting on your couch and relaxing.

Think about it !

Put in the work

“Started being honest with yourself ?”- Good, pat yourself in the back cause now we are moving on to the next step.

“Putting in the work”

I think now you would have it clear that excuses are just illusions that are stopping you unnecessarily from making progress.

And I don’t think that a person can ever be stopped by the illusions.

So, that is the exact same thing you need to do. You don’t need to be stopped by those illusions. Instead you need to put in the work every single time you realize that you are making excuses.

Note : In the first section, you learnt how to overcome excuses in your mind but sometimes you just tend to not work even after realizing that you are making excuses, so that is why I included this section of putting in the work.

Let’s continue !

So, when you get excuses it shouldn’t be like “I know I am making excuses, but still today I am not going to work and align myself with my excuses.”

I mean, what are you doing to yourself?

Why are you letting your excuses take over?

It’s killing your progress man !

So, for overcoming your excuses and putting in work you need some control over your emotions.

And here’s a harsh one for you — If you wanna take control over your emotions, then the only way to do that is by convincing your mind. You need to stop letting go every time you think that it’s the last time you are doing it !

You need to get up and go to work every time you think that you need to align forces with your excuses.

Got it ?

Now go and practice it.

And the third one is, learning to say no when you have plans

Here’s a gem that I am gonna throw at you that I learned after 1 year of improving myself.

“Learn to say no”

Picture this, your friend comes in and invites you on the party at 6:00 pm. But that’s the time for you to go to the gym.

Then simply say no.

Gym is the main priority in front of partying.

Got that ?

So, here’s the takeaway from this section : learn to prioritize better

Sometimes gym is not always the main priority.

Sometimes, you need to sacrifice your discipline too.

Okay, so picture this, your parents are sick and you are in the gym instead of taking care of them.

“Isn’t it too much of an obsession with discipline?”

“Don’t you feel that you are trading your loved ones for that?”

So, when I started out my journey, I prioritised my discipline a lot. Sometimes I even sacrificed my loved ones for my discipline. But this just resulted in more worse circumstances. But now I have realized that sometimes discipline needs to be sacrificed for some other great priorities too. Now for me, discipline is the main priority until I don’t have to trade my loved ones for that.

Lastly, 2 Things to avoid if you want to become a disciplined person :

  1. Stopping after someone laughs at you for being disciplined. This one is the most common thing I have seen in people starting out. I was like that too. I also did stop many times after my friends made fun of me for being disciplined. But eventually I realized that these people are jealous of me as I am transforming myself to be better. I understood that discipline is a lonely path to success and I will find little to no people taking this path. After realizing this, it was a piece of cake for me to continue my quest to become disciplined.
  2. Not being able to adjust the plan. Sometimes you are not able to adjust your plan with your busy day. Thus, you get frustrated that you are not able to put in the work that you really need to do, this in turn also wastes your time. Ahah ! By talking of this, I remember myself a year ago when I always got busy in other tasks and got frustrated after that cause I was not able to do the work that I wanted. But as soon as I realized that there are other things to be done too and I had to adjust my plan with those things my life just got easier. The time that I spent to be frustrated at that time, now I spent that time to think about adjusting my plan with the busy day. And in the end of the day I was always proud that I was disciplined which is opposite to the previous situation when I was only frustrated that I didn’t work. So, instead of getting frustrated think about the ways to adjust the plan. Okay ?

Hope this article helped you !

If you have any more questions about discipline, please leave them in the comment box !

Thanks for reading !



Lakshay Kamra

A self improvement addict | Sharing everything I have learnt in 1 year of improving myself | Helping you avoid the mistakes that I made in my journey.