My Medium Income Decreased for August

No worries — it was expected

Tser Dennis


Photo of me after writing this article. Wearing my favorite souvenir shirt from Malaysia while waiting for my breakfast

I wrote around 63 articles for August. I did not beat my record for July and did things at par.

I got busy and wanted some rest — due to the number of engagements I worked on

I was not able to beat my previous record. September would be another tough month — I would be happy if I close with the same mark.

Let us see.

In June — I made $345.47. It increased to $712.22 in July — and this month ended with $448. Well, it decreased all right but still happy with the result.

Photo by author

Life is still good with Medium.

July was exceptional since my article entitled You Will Never Get Rich With These 3 Kinds of Middle Class Thinking got a lot of reads, surprisingly.

I would like to believe that my earnings for August were the usual escalation rate…



Tser Dennis

Career Coach ▫️ Christian Author ▫️ 8x Top Writer ▫️ 850+ Medium Articles