My Mind Is Not Here

. . . it is elsewhere

Beth Stormont


Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

I have discovered that
my mind is not here . . .
it is simply elsewhere

Where elsewhere is
. . . I do not know
I only know it is not here

I need to get this and
that done immediately
but my mind says, “No

— now is not the time
for me to be here for
carrying out that task

Another time will be
the right time for me
to fulfill your need

but this moment is not
the right time for that —
I’m needed elsewhere now”

There is a right time for
each thing — and a forced
time for it that is wrong

Bide by the knowledge of
what the mind tells you —
and all will go as needed



Beth Stormont

Philosophic observer and poet of life experiences; mystic; college professor and professional Classical musician; lover of deep simplicity.