My Mind Loves Playing The Victim Card

How to stop selling yourself the sad story.

Veena Vijayakumar
2 min readMar 25, 2023


A woman thinking about something.
Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Why does nothing good happen in my life?

Most of us have this thought on a recurring basis. It makes you feel that you are the unlucky one or the victim. This thought will rob you of the joy and peace you have.

Here are a few tips on how to stop playing the victim card:

  1. It’s easy to play the victim card and it makes you feel better about yourself but that doesn't solve the problem. My life would be great if I had the opportunity they had is a trap we often fall for. The mind believes the stories we tell and when we repeat the sad stories to the mind countless times we become a victim by default. Even at the formation of thought, ask yourself will this help me? will it make my life better? Eliminating the bad thought at an instance, otherwise, it would culminate into something worst and playing the victim card never helps the mind.
  2. It’s easy to blame the world and everyone can do that, but only a few can take a situation and learn from it and grow from it. Eventually, we all want growth in our life, but that wouldn’t be possible if we tell ourselves the sad story. For some of us, it’s also a habit and it’s important to notice the patterns. Complaining is not going to make our life better, of course, we will feel good for a while but that will wear off soon.
  3. Complaining, finding the faults in others and gloating over that and telling yourself: you are much better than them, will make you satisfied but in the long run, it’s not beneficial.
  4. All this complaining and crying will affect your energy, if you dedicate half the energy you spent in complaining, moaning about your misfortunes and how life isn’t fair into something useful it could save you from this misery.

If you are going to wait till things sort out for themselves and life is fair then it’s going to be a long time. If you keep reinforcing your mind that you are the victim then you always will be a victim forever. Life is going to be hard if you don’t get yourself outside the victim mindset. This is also hindering your growth and stopping you from living the life you deserve to. But there is time to pull yourself back from this trap and the sooner, the better.

