How to Build a Daily Routine That Works for You

Small morning habits for happiness and productivity

Ina I.
4 min readApr 5, 2023


“Lose an hour in the morning, and you will spend all day looking for it.”- Richard Whately

Photo by Sincerely Media su Unsplash

It is well known that routines, in general, and most of all morning routines, are a guarantee for peaceful and productive days. But is it as simple as a morning ritual and a healthy breakfast?

Whether by avoiding social media, drinking water, or listening to a podcast, you can take different steps to create a morning routine that suits you.

No matter how much chaos happens when your eyes open, you’ve to know this: A morning routine for better productivity is a learnable science.

Before we start talking about the art of cultivating a routine, however, we must first establish the difference between a routine and a habit that is sometimes confused:

  • A routine is a regular way of doing things in a particular order with intention and presence.
  • A habit is an action that we often do in a regular and repeated way and without thinking too much.

Given these premises, I would like to share with you my morning routine, which lasts just over an hour but it’s variable.

My Morning Routine

I wake up between 06:30 and 7:00 am, and first, I take a cold shower, then drink a glass of warm water with lemon and ginger and start my yoga practice. My practice lasts about 40 minutes.

There are times when I feel particularly energetic, and at the end of the practice, I also do a bit of squat and also insert some abdominal exercises, which are very suitable to awaken and stimulate the body and mind.

Then I take my mat and my pillow, and if time permits, I go outdoors and meditate for 10 minutes while the sun rises and the world awakens around me. After the meditation, I also do some breathing exercises.

Then, I pick up my journal and write from the bottom of my heart. I describe what I feel and my mood.
Afterward, I make coffee and breakfast.
Lastly, I write a list of things to do at work and start the rest of the day.

That said, let me say one thing.

Tips for building your morning routine.

If your current morning routine is to press your alarm button four times and walk out the door five minutes after you get out of bed, while you put on your shoes and eat a protein bar, or while checking emails on your phone, you’ve to know that you can do better!

Many of us are super busy, have many great responsibilities, and often feel short of time to think about waking up first and creating new healthy habits, but having a good morning routine can make a difference in being productive, achieving goals, and feeling organized.

I want to share a few helpful tips on how to develop your morning routine!

1. Take your time

It can be difficult, especially at first, but don’t press snooze to stay in bed a little longer. It doesn’t matter how long your routine lasts.

Time can vary from person to person, and you don’t have to wake up at 4 am to have a perfect morning routine.
Just get up immediately when the alarm rings and take 5 minutes just for you, with presence and love.

2. Be flexible

The key to creating and establishing your own personal routine is to follow your own feelings and try as much as possible to be faithful without feeling frustrated and discontented.

Being flexible means, you can allow yourself to adapt and readjust, find what works well for you, and be willing to let go of what doesn’t work well. Remember that you are developing a routine to live better, not to live with more stress.

3. Plan the night before

Although we are talking about the morning routine, it may be useful to start some preparation the night before. Planning ahead and simplifying your routine can save time, reduce stress, and help you start your day on a positive note.

4. Customize

Don’t look at other people.
Not everything works or is necessary for everyone. If, on the one hand, the morning routine is certainly one of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, on the other hand, it is not a unique approach: general indications can and must be adapted to the constitution and the state of balance of each.

5. Start small, but start

Start by introducing a few new actions. It’s with calm and moderation that the most radical changes are generated.
Start with one or two things that you find interesting and feasible for you and your lifestyle. When new actions become natural, add more if you like. If, at any time, something doesn’t resonate well with you, trade it for something else.

Here’s a last tip before you leave.

I know how difficult it can be to make changes in your life, but I suggest you try a little routine for a few weeks and see how it affects your body and mind.

Even a small improvement in your overall well-being can be a big enough incentive to make more gradual changes. Remember that we are not looking for quick and perfect solutions. We cultivate patience because the deeper changes come gradually over time.

Namaste 🌸🙏



Ina I.

"A dreamer with a pen in hand. Exploring life one story at a time and inviting you along for the journey." A Digital Nomad Wannabe