My Parents Are Literally Gonna Freak Out, Like Really Freak Out, When I’ll Tell Them What I’d Done

“You’re kidding, right?” is exactly how they’re going to respond

Nishi Kashyap
Published in
5 min readApr 4, 2021


Photo by Tom Leishman from Pexels

“Mom, Dad I’ve something to tell you. And guess what? You couldn’t have imagined this — not even in your wildest dreams. But first promise me you’ll not freak out okay.”

For weeks now, yeah for weeks — I have been imagining this exact conversation. You know when I will finally drop that huge bomb on them. I wonder how are they going to react to it. Whether they would freak out badly, which I think they would, or would they think that their oldest daughter has grown two heads and has gone completely insane.

I even sleep myself to dreams every night while thinking about it — imagining best and worst-case scenarios.

Well, the best-case scenario is they would probably believe me about what I will tell them and accept it happily.

And on the other hand, the worst-case scenario is that they would freak out very badly, start throwing thousands of questions at me:

“Are you serious?”

“But wait! how and when? How is that even possible? I still can’t believe you. You’re kidding right?”



Nishi Kashyap
Modern Parent

Mystique Writer: tech, coding, life, self improvement, money and much more. Love to Laugh & Read and obviously SLEEP😴