My Partner and I Tested “Slow Sex” and Loved the Result

By the way, I also had one of the best orgasms of my life, lol



Photo by Li Damao No Cat on Unsplash

Like the current of a river, “slow coitus” is calm, fierce, exciting, and pleasurable. All this at the same time. And I’ll say more, whoever manages to master the art of doing so will certainly achieve unimaginable “sensations” inside and outside the bedroom, lol.

Seriously — This is like a game of chess where you need to achieve “checkmate” to be rewarded with an incredible dose of pleasure.

Practicing this art means knowing how to control your wildest instincts in favor of greater “delight”, and with that making your body find satisfaction in small movements — All of this sums up this technique and I can confess myself: it has definitely made my relationship much better within four walls.

For example, you know that feeling of “oh, am I going to ‘get there’ today?” With this technique there is no such doubt — After all, it will definitely make you extract your maximum potential in bed and this will definitely make you climax, just like it happened to me several times, lol.

And if you’re curious to know more about this, and want to learn how to do this technique at home, stay with me a little longer and I’ll show you the step-by-step process.

