My Pen

Where I find my joy.

a. a. gallagher


A gorgeous, antique black typewriter with a blank sheet of paper lying next to it, on a wooden desk.
Photo by Kristina Tamašauskaitė on Unsplash

Can I call myself a writer? Maybe yes. Maybe no.

Grammarly tells me I am doing well within my nuances of language; but is that enough to say “Yes I am a writer”. I believe I could call myself a wordsmith but is that the same as being identified as a writer?

I love words. And I write. I have always been fascinated by how letters link up to give stimulation and even pleasure in some form. I have also looked at how they present in a purely visual sense. I guess it could even be termed sensual when you think about the effect of the words on the wider community.

In particular, I enjoy writing short stories with a spot of humor that can make people sparkle; poetry that deals with the bigger picture of earth versus man; essays that look at the social aspects of living, and crazy childrens’ rhymes and stories. There is so much one can get one’s teeth into.

My pen likes to travel as my mind taps into the essence of humanity.

An open dictionary waiting to be read.
Photo by Pisit Heng on Unsplash

I absorbed, drank in if you will, the entire contents of a dictionary during one erm at my boarding school. It was a strict environment where we could not enjoy any books other than stories…



a. a. gallagher

Thank you for reading & following. I love a jolly good story: I write short stories, enviro. poetry, and kids’ rhymes. Prev. Education includes a. Dip. S.R.M.