Frugal Doesn’t Mean Cheap or Low Cost, Rather, Not Wasting Anything

My Pesach (Passover) Offering

Awesome Salad, Mostly From My Backyard Garden/Farm

Wendy Weber
Published in
5 min readJun 12, 2023


Mixed green salad in clover-leaf wooden bowl with wooden serving utensils and lemon dressing in a pouring container
Homemade Mixed Green Salad for Passover, Photo by Author

Passover (the Hebrew word being “Pesach”) is the story of the Jews being delivered from slavery in Egypt. It also considered a harvest holiday, and I certainly “harvested” greens for the salad pictured above. I concocted this for the first night seder I attended.

What can I do that’s nicer than produce mostly from my backyard garden/farm!

Anyway, at the seder, the word coming from the Hebrew root word meaning “order”, we follow the ritual order telling the story of leaving Egypt, saying blessings over the various symbols we are asked to discuss from the story, eating the symbols, etc.

Oh, and we are supposed to drink four cups of wine in a reclining position. I’m lucky if I can drink 4 quarters of a cup of wine — I’m not much of a drinker. And I usually spike the wine with grape juice, which is acceptable as a substitute.

The story itself is in the book of Exodus, the second book in the Torah, or Five Books of Moses, or the Old Testament bible. The book is called Exodus for the obvious reason that, with the Lord’s help and the leadership of Moses and his brother Aaron, we…



Wendy Weber

Longtime lyricist-composer of customized songs, harmony specialist, energy healer, backyard farmer, innovative cook, mother, and member of a 2-parrot flock.