My Real Ghost Stories

Halloween Story Time



Photo by Taylor Foss on Unsplash

Do you believe in ghosts?

I have always been fascinated by ghost stories ever since I was a child.
My grandparents told me many of them, but I was never sure if they were real or made-up just to scare me. My friends also told me many thrilling ghost stories that later turned out to be based on horror movies’ plot.

I liked to search for ghost pictures on the Internet and “ghosts caught on tape” kind of videos on YouTube. Also, me and my friends would to go to abandoned haunted old houses and try to communicate with spirits using a pendulum, then run into drunkards instead of ghosts. It was scary and fun.

It’s all fun and games till you really get scared by a ghost.

I don’t believe in ghosts, however I had spooky things happen to me and my friends, or to my family members, that I’m unable to explain to this day.

Photo by Erik Müller on Unsplash

It happened on July 21, 2012.

Me and my friends attended an anime convention, an event for people that like Japanese animation and culture. We were supposed to participate in a Cosplay contest and perform on a stage that…




I'm a gamer from Poland that writes sometimes. I wrote fanfiction on AO3 in the past. I like sunsets, travels, sour candy and self-care