My Ride To Save Lives

Rex Shadeseagle
Published in
3 min readApr 5, 2023


The first installment of my bicycle ride from Seattle to Miami

Ride4LifeUSA logo on a yellow traffic sign background
Logo created by Rex ShadesEagle

It Has Been Too Long…

I sure have missed writing, it feels like it’s been a year or so since I’ve written anything. Oh wait, it has been a year!!!

I have not been idle in my time away. In the past year, my Non-Profit partnered with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention to hold a National Fundraiser to raise money for prevention and awareness.

The fundraiser will be me, riding across the United States from Seattle, Wash. on May 10 to the following cities San Francisco-Sacramento-Reno-Salt Lake City-Cheyenne-Denver-Kansas City- St. Louis-Indianapolis-Pittsburg-Washington D.C.-Richmond-Raleigh-Charleston-Savannah-Jacksonville and finally ending in Miami, Florida.

It’s a 5,800-plus-mile ride that will take about 70 days to complete.

You can learn more about the event by clicking here or going to

The event is called Ride4LifeUSA and to be honest, we could really use your support.

How Can I Help You Ask?

Well, it just so happens that this is an international fundraising event so you can either follow this LINK or you can go to this website…



Rex Shadeseagle

Author, Podcast Host, Public Speaker, Drug Prevention Specialist. My book, Know Love: A Memoir is now on sale