My Ridiculously Simple Morning Routine That Supercharges Productivity and Energy Throughout the Day

Disclaimer: Free from the online tips

Sumanpreet Kaur
3 min readMar 19, 2024


Photo by Joel Mott on Unsplash

I’m sharing this based on what I learnt from my family and religion and what worked for me.

It is neither to suggest your waking up timing nor what you should do first in the morning. In fact, it will direct you to the small changes that make massive improvements in your mindset, body, and attitude.

Now, you have two options:

  • Work for 4 hours during the daytime.
  • Complete that same work in 2 hours in the morning.

What will you choose?

I’ll go for the second option.

That’s because, my morning routine energizes, empowers, and strengthens me. That sets the tone for a melodious and productive rhyme.

Here are the actionable insights to make positive changes at the beginning of the day to win your day and life:

Activate my body

I start my day by expressing gratitude to God, which comes naturally as I wake up.

Walk randomly for around 10 minutes.

Now, the time is to warm up the body.

I take no more than 15 minutes for exercise.

Each exercise step is for different parts of the body.

That I do while playing my favorite song. To ignite positive, hopeful, and cheerful vibes.

And it gives me a sense of strength and power while moving my body.

Visualize the life and changes I want

Do you visualize attracting the changes you want?

I frame my thoughts while picturing accomplishing my primary and yearly goals. Even I visualize my weekly goals and how I want my day to be.

I start my day by giving the signals to the Universe for what I want to achieve. If you’re curious to know more about it, check this video out.

Enter a new world while reading

Before writing, my mind demands something to read. So, that’s what I do. Depending on my current read — novel, business book, non-fiction, or fiction book, I read for around 30 minutes.

Then, I start my day with writing, editing, and client work.

This routine has the advantages of:

  • Activeness throughout the day.
  • Self-time for reading and exercising.
  • More free time during the daytime.

Yes, I’m an early riser, waking up at 5 AM:

Walk — Activate your body

Exercise — Warm up your body

Visualize — Frame your thoughts and mind for what you want.

Read — Warm up your mind before writing.

You’re the architect of your life

YOU are responsible for shaping your every minute. Every hour. Every day.

Compiling that means shaping your life.

I’m a strong believer in a powerful morning for an energetic day.

It all depends on your thoughts.

Your thoughts determine your choices.

Your choices determine your actions.

Your actions determine your life.

When you own your morning, you own your day and life.

How do you spend your morning?

How do you start your day?

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I’m a LinkedIn personal branding strategist and copywriter. I share insights based on my experience and learning. Want to get practical LinkedIn approaches to achieve your business goals?

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