My Second Month on Medium: Here’s What I’ve Discovered

8 goals which I hope to achieve in January.

Shamar M


Photo by Manasvita S on Unsplash

Side note: This is my second attempt at writing this article as I had accidentally deleted the whole entire thing! Just as I was in the full-swing of things…

My second month on Medium was indeed a great one and I have decided I am here to stay. I have been finding out new things daily on Medium, some of which I had never heard of before and some of which I’ve had to research.

Good news. After cursing and blinding about not being curated, I finally have one curated piece. It was published on the 8th and got distributed on the 22nd, two weeks after submission. This is fairly odd for Medium as many writers claim that articles get distributed one or two days after publication, but obviously, they’re wrong. There is no algorithm for anything on Medium!



Shamar M

27. Based in the UK. PG DIP HR Management. Chief of publication The First Time. Editor in About Me Stories.