My Struggle to Understand.

Prayash Tamang
Published in
2 min readAug 17, 2023
Photo by Silvestri Matteo on Unsplash

In the quiet corners of my mind, a storm of feelings rages, leaving me feeling down and lost. My heart feels heavy, like a weight pulling me down, and I can't figure out why. There's a hurt deep inside me, but I don't know where it's coming from. Life seems to have its good moments, but then I'm back to feeling the same sadness again, and I don't know why.

Sometimes life feels like a series of short breaks, moments when things seem okay, and the world seems happy. But then that happiness fades, and I'm left with a familiar sadness that just won't go away. It's like a shadow that covers everything, making everything seem dull and gray. I try to understand why I feel this way, but the more I think about it, the harder it becomes to figure out.

I'm like a traveler on a journey through my own feelings, trying to find answers buried deep inside me. But those answers are like puzzle pieces that I can't quite put together. The sadness keeps coming back, like a cycle that never ends. It's like I'm on a spinning ride that makes me feel dizzy and confused.

When I'm alone with my thoughts, I try to remember what makes me feel this way. But memories start to blur, and I can't seem to hold onto them. I'm left with fragments of memories that don't quite fit together, like pieces of a puzzle from different boxes.

The moments when I feel a bit better are like delicate glass bubbles that slip through my fingers too quickly. They remind me of happier times, but they feel distant now, like echoes of laughter from far away. Life keeps moving forward, but the good parts don't seem as bright as they used to.

So, I keep going on this journey, trying to make sense of my feelings. The heavy feeling in my heart won't go away, and I'm not sure how to make it better. It's like a silent cry that echoes in my soul.

As I finish writing this, I'm still wrapped up in the same sad feeling that's been with me all along. The tears on this page match the tears in my eyes, showing just how deep this sadness goes. This story, my story, doesn't have an ending that ties everything up neatly. Instead, I'm left feeling lost in my own struggle, trying to make sense of this unseen sadness.



Prayash Tamang

Lost in emotions, penning melancholic tales of life's fleeting beauty.