My Tap Water Filter Got Dirty in a Week — Is My Water Safe?

My Filter Experiment Raises Questions

Alina Pitt


Drinking Water in the Kitchen
Drinking Water in the Kitchen, created by author with

After moving to Australia I got into filtered water. The water in Australia smells and tastes quite a bit like chlorine for my little Austrian nose and the BRITA water filter* did the trick.

The problem is that the water is still positively charged in plastic and therefore basically zombie water but when I also bought a copper bottle and filled it up with filtered water, I felt more energized during the day. Water in copper bottles or cups will be charged negatively and therefore it is living water. (Please don’t ask me the details, I am not a chemist or biologist, thanks).

The water that comes right out of the tap just doesn’t feel and smell right so I did an experiment. In addition to filtering the water with the BRITA water filter* and the copper bottle, I bought and installed simple filters directly on the faucet.

According to the seller, depending on the water quality these faucet water filters* should last for about 1 month until they get too dirty and you have to exchange them.

screenshot of my purchase, created by author



Alina Pitt

Alina is a writer, yoga teacher, digital nomad, ex-marketing and sales manager. She escaped the 9-5 rat race and became a microdosing and biohacking advocate.