My Ten Top Stories on Medium by Marla Bishop

They weren’t all curated but I consider them to be my best ones

Marla Bishop


I have been writing for over thirty years and in Medium since September 2019. After years of blogging for free, it was great to find a platform that paid us for writing – however little. I’m yet to hit the $100 a month club but I’m getting close. I write on parenting, relationships, race and equality, and life lessons, among others.

1. Meeting Denzel Washington in the 1980s when he was an up-and-coming actor and I was a young journalist was one of the highlights of my career. I wrote about our original meeting and about following up with him thirty years later. Published in An Injustice. Not curated.

2. My first article for PS: I Love You, and curated in Sexuality. I love exploring the topic of sexuality, especially as I get older and what people might think matters less to me, as I explain here.



Marla Bishop

Londoner, philosophy graduate, journalist, relationship coach, wife & mother. MA in Novel Writing; working on 1st novel. Follow me: