My thoughts are pleasing to me

A poem

Wanita Isaacs
1 min readFeb 23, 2021


Image by Dana Tentis on Pixabay

I sit in contemplation today,
I’d hardly call it quiet,
So busy are the birds at play
So noisy as they fly, yet

Stillness creeps around me
How can it be so?
This moment stretches endlessly
But lifetimes come and go

Drifting as they do within
The amphitheater of my mind
I find these plays quite pleasing
Though they’re of another time

I love the ins and outs I see,
As an audience of one,
The nuances revealed to me
When I look, but just for fun.

I find my thoughts enjoyable
As I watch them all pass by
I learn and laugh my fill
And I never stoop to try

Fixing their meaning
Nor righting their wrongs
I find them much too pleasing
To alter the songs.

As endless as this moment is
I know it will be gone
Once I break the busy peace
Once I’m ready to move on.



Wanita Isaacs

Writer, pathologically teaching-to-learn (those who can't do, ...). Ex-medical doctor, ex-corporate communications, ex-rat racer.