My Tiny Village Affair

A poem

Amanda Clark-Rudolph


A Vermont landscape filled with trees and a lake.
Photo by Miro Vrlik on Unsplash

I’m ending my affair with this tiny village tucked inside the whispering mountains.

Its endless antiques, stunning actors, skilled musicians, coffee regulars, and framed landscapes.

The scenery was perfect and needed,
but now it’s time to end another phase.

I don’t settle down for long.

Maybe it’s my youth or maybe it’s just my unfulfilled curiosity.

Or quite plainly, maybe it’s the need to see beyond the small world I grew up in.

No matter, I always come back.

It’s purely a love/hate relationship; after all. Those are the ones you learn from the most.

I’ve been to many places, traveled to many states and countries

I’ve seen a decent portion of the world, but there’s still so much to see.

I don’t know if I will ever be satisfied,
but the search keeps me going and wondering….

This time, I am off to another small village known for its glowing lakes and streams and undeniable nature.

I am off once again to teach the children,
for it seems to be the children who teach me the most.

I am off to live in a cabin secluded in the woods, and learn from the land.

I am venturing into seclusion and lack of technology.

I am leaving all the people who have known me for years and watched me grow as I frequently left, and returned.

Things don’t change much around here.



Amanda Clark-Rudolph

Amanda is a work at home mama who contributes to various magazines and blogs. Contact her at for interview or blog articles.