My Top 4 Favourite Tik Tok creators- April 2022 Edition

Li Maria Zhang
Published in
4 min readApr 15, 2022

I didn’t think I would like Tik Tok as much as I do now. I first started exploring the app to cross promote my failing educational Chinese Youtube channel. I deleted the app a couple of times because the videos seemed more appropriate for Snapchat- ie. a video that should only be seen once and then disappear.

I stayed on Tik Tok to continue creating my Chinese handwriting videos but didn’t watch many videos because they weren’t very interesting. It was only until Sydney Lockdown last year when I was going through one of the most emotionally draining and painful experiences in my life that I was actively looking for distractions. Instagram got boring because the pictures were beginning to look the same…food picture here, travel photo there, hot summer body photo of girl/guy, wedding/baby photo etc.- a bit too cookie cutter bougie for me. I started to get hooked when I stumbled upon Jade Tunchy’s sarcastic vaccination video and have since come across so many funny videos on my “For You” Page that I am now convinced Tik Tok is really the platform where comedians can thrive, humour is the spotlight and authentic personality is one of the winning formulas.

Below are four of my favourite Tik Tok creators to this date:

Image credit:, @cottonbro

Nadya Okamoto

Nadya Okamoto is by far my favourite Tik Tok creator.

Apart from the fact that I have a personal career interest in her social entrepreneurship journey and am studying how she made it happen, she comes across to me as young, ambitious, family oriented, funny, open, transparent, progressive and articulate- all qualities that are demonstrated through her wide array of videos ranging from her trademark period content to her poking fun at her sisters.

Her videos are captivating- some days I felt closer and more connected to her than some of my friends in real life. It’s very difficult to pick a few videos that stand out as I find most of her videos interesting/fun to watch. Her content ranges from her day-to-day bloating experience, her boyfriend making her prune juice, and her physically putting in a tampon on the toilet to her talking about dissociation, jamming with her sisters and making food. I love her “home-y” videos in which she and her boyfriend are doing everyday things like building furniture on a Friday night. Gives the rest of us hope right? A social entrepreneur with a kickass personality while maintaining a healthy, satisfying romantic relationship.

Undoubtedly, most of her videos are period-related but because she communicates the content in such an entertaining way eg. funny duets or layered with the right rap song, they are still a joy to watch.

Christianna Burkee

Apart from her two pinned viral videos, undeniable wit and sexualised sarcasm, I love her series of “Stories that should be fictional but have actually happened to me in real life”.

The story video that really hooked me was her recounting a particular day working in the events industry whereby her boss asks her to take his newly bought puppy to a safer area to which in the process of doing so, she slips on some spit from a warehouseman and she slips and falls while the puppy is screaming and ends up in a cast. The way Christianna tells the story with her wide-eyed matter-of-fact manner and undeniable sarcasm is just incredibly entertaining. Check it out for yourself here.

I also really enjoyed her series of videos of ideas of how to get your physical touch needs met when you are single.


There are lots of self-help/motivational coaches and therapists out there that don’t resonate with me (eg. Tony Robbins). I often find their videos to be so generic, not applicable to my life or just don’t work.

I like Thoughtcastofficial’s short digestible, well-articulated life advice that keeps it real and relevant. I particularly like how specific some of his videos are and how he articulates certain realities that I have experienced and come across in my own life that were mere observations.

Some of these “observational truth” videos I personally have found to be true include:

ferchugimenez and ayesebastien

In general, I think couple channels or accounts usually have an advantage over individual accounts because the couple’s authentic and fun dynamic is what makes the couple account unique and come alive. I first came across @ayesebastien’s account after Nadya Okamato linked a period joke video that he was telling and thought it was really cute.

Some of other videos I really enjoyed include:

I particularly like how fun their “apparent” couple dynamic is without the fancy footage at the Maldives or the typical fine dining videos and pictures in front of Catalina restaurant (not that there’s anything wrong with couple travel footage- I just think that the average couple probably spends more time in the lounge room or backyard in sweatpants and a Champion TShirt than drinking margaritas on the beach or swimming with sharks in the Philippines).

Who are some of your favourite Tik Tokers?



Li Maria Zhang

Sydney, BCom/LLB graduate. Sometimes thoughts/observations/opinions and sometimes emotions. Curious about work, money, relationships, humans, dreams…💭✨