My Top iPhone Apps

Communication, Creating and Staying Safe

Julian Cosky


Photo by Rami Al-zayat on Unsplash

I wrote an article on Substack recently about my favourite paid apps; the ones that I spend my money on.

In this story, I thought I would tell you about the apps that I use on a daily basis, on my iPhone.

I’ve broken them down by category. These are not the only apps I use, but the ones I use all the time.



What’s not to like about this. It’s free and integrates beautifully with other apps, such as Apple Reminders, Todoist, Google Drive, Pocket and many many more.

  • WhatsApp
  • iMessage

Calendar, Tasks, Notes

This is, as the name suggests, a fantastic calendar app. Find out more at the link, and I’ll be posting my own review soon.

  • Apple Reminders
  • Apple Notes


This is my ‘read later’ app and love that I can just dump stuff in here to read at my leisure



Julian Cosky

Husband. Father. Business Analyst. I’m also a Cub Scout Leader. Writing on Medium allows me to be me!