My Twenties Weren’t The Best Years of My Life

And I’m glad about it



Photo by Katarzyna Grabowska on Unsplash

Do you ever scroll through social media and feel like you’re the only one who hasn’t got it all figured out?

Let me pull back the curtain on that illusion. The belief that by our twenties we should have life’s roadmap perfectly laid out in front of us is a myth, one that I, too, fell for. I remember thinking I needed to have the perfect job straight out of college. When that didn’t happen, I felt like I was falling behind. But here’s the truth: life isn’t a race, and those societal milestones? They’re not the be-all and end-all.

The Adventure in Uncertainty: Embracing the Unknown

Photo by Chien Nguyen Minh on Unsplash

Uncertainty might initially seem daunting, but it’s actually the gateway to adventure and growth.

Take it from me — I once signed up for a pottery class on a whim, thinking it would be a smooth sail. Let’s just say my creations were far from the pottery you’d find in a gallery. But the laughter, the mess, and the sheer joy of creating something with my own hands taught me that it’s the journey, not the perfection, that counts.




I write whatever comes to mind| Founding editor of The Author's Lounge| I like puppies and sunshine|