My Very Old Toyota Shows That I’m Heading in the Right Direction

Why you shouldn’t work more just to buy things you don’t need.

Asger Stone
4 min readApr 18, 2023


Photo by david latorre romero on Unsplash

I work as a freelance it-consultant, for a big European PayTech corporation. That means a lot of wealthy employees, a lot of alpha (mostly) males, a lot of material goods. And on top of that material goods pyramid is the fancy cars.

Myself? I drive a 24 year old Toyota Yaris. It is actually an upgrade from my previous car (a fine three-door Toyota Corolla). It has automatic transmission and two more doors than my previous.

However on a parking lot mostly populated with Tesla's and Tesla-like cars, my Toyota often get some good stares. You might think that I am jealous of both the cars and of the owners them. But honestly I’m not. Because it is a constant reminder of the choices that I have made.

You have a choice — use it

The thing is, I could own a fancy car. I’m privileged enough that if I really wanted it, I could use my resources differently and actually own that car (or rent it). But that would mean spending less money on other things that I like to do or saving up less for the future. I don’t want to do that.

Another option for me to get a fancy car, would be to work more. I get paid by the hour and on most the projects that I’ve been on I have been free to work more, thereby earning more money.

However, in reality I usually work less than normal hours. I work enough to pay the bills and live a comfortable life (without the fancy car that is). No more no less. So on average my work load is more like a 9 to 4. The fact that I don’t work more is a choice.

I choose to spend more time with my family. I choose to write and read more. To learn a new skill, that is different from what I’m doing at work. I choose to create a side hustle.

I choose not to become married to my work. Not to spend days away from my kids. Because I don’t want to identify with my 9 to 5 (or 4).

Spend your time getting better at many things

You might think that the time I spend on projects outside or work is only past time activities, but you would be wrong. I mean they are — I love to do them. But they are also and investment in the future.

Gaining knowledge, skills, starting a side hustle, all are investments in the my future self. This might be where I get my next edge for a future assignment. Or the side hustle might grow and become my next venture. Or a book I read might change my perspective on a central aspect of my life. Who knows?

What I do know is that mindlessly working without any spare time is not my cup of tea. I have tried it earlier in my career and it drained all my energy.

This way I get the best of both worlds. A good income from an interesting job, but without the downside of getting caught in a job that I don’t like. The things that I don’t get is a fancy car, but I can live with that.

It’s not really about the car

I might get a more modern car some point that wont attract as much attention as my current one. When my trusted Toyota has to retire, I might buy a more fancy car. But I am fairly certain it will be used and inexpensive. And one thing is certain. I will not buy one if doing so, means sacrificing the time I spend outside of work.

Every time I pull up in the parking lot and get the stares from the middle managers, I know that I’m on the right path. I am not caught in the treadmill of life. I am not sacrificing my spare time.

I am balancing my time so I can have both a fulfilling job and have time to spend with family, friends and on doing other things that I love.

That is the road I have taken and the road that I will continue on. In my old trusted Toyota. Happily humming along.

As a newcomer to Medium any comments or suggestions would be much appreciated. Obviously claps and followings would warm my heart.

Going forward I will write about, what I find to be the biggest challenges of our generation, the uncontrolled and unregulated tech industry. I’ll be sharing my experience and thoughts on the matter in the coming months. So stay tuned, stay safe and stay off the phone…



Asger Stone

Technofunctional writer exploring how technology affects society and how society should drive technology.