My Woman In All Her Glory

A paean to women

Mo Adefope
Feb 5, 2021


Photo by Jessica Felicio on Unsplash

The light of my life
This woman of my dreams
Her energy
More divine than human.

Wise as the sage
Rich in the delicate beauty of the hibiscus
All the grace of Mother Nature
Manifested in the form of a goddess.

Like the finest brown sugar
Dipped in raw honey or molasses
The sweetness of her aura overflows
With the elegance of the swan in all its resplendence.

Her imperfections, her essence
A glorious image of unbridled magnificence
A vision to behold
She’s what I might call, beautifully human.

-Mo Adefope



Mo Adefope

Writer. Poet. Dreamer. Oenophile. Connecting through stories, musings and lessons learnt about love, relationships, identity, wellness and life.