My Writing Journey with Two Loyal Readers

Content Sage
Published in
2 min readOct 9, 2023
Image by Vecstock

A few years back, when the whole world was stuck inside because of the pandemic, I decided to try something new — writing. I enjoyed putting my thoughts into words and creating stories.

But in the beginning, it felt like no one cared about what I wrote. It was as if my words vanished into the vastness of the internet, unnoticed by anyone.

But I didn’t let that discourage me. I continued to write because I found joy in it, even when it seemed like no one was paying attention. My goal wasn’t to become famous. I just wanted to do something I loved.

The only way to do great work is to love what you do.

Then, one day, something incredible happened. I received a comment on one of my pieces. It read, “This is beautifully written. I feel the same way. Please keep writing!” It felt like a warm embrace from a stranger, and it filled me with hope.

The harder you work for something, the greater you’ll feel when you achieve it.

So, I kept on writing, and soon enough, another person began regularly reading my work. They appreciated what I wrote and offered encouragement.

These two readers became like friends who supported me when it felt like nobody else did.

As time passed, more people started discovering my work, but those initial two readers remained special to me.

They showed me that when you truly love something and persist in it, even when it’s challenging, good things can come your way. And having just one person who believes in you can make your journey even more extraordinary.



Content Sage

I am a content writer specializing in life stories, self-awareness, self-development, earnings, psychology, happy living, yoga, love and technology sometimes.