My Writing Life

A Gratitude Note for family for adjusting with my weird lifestyle

Priyanka Srivastava


Image from Unsplash by My Life Journal

he could see me
squinting my eyes
while reading,
he adjusted the light
that’s how
this poem
happened for me.

While normal people get up in the morning and start their day after their first cup of tea, I do it in a weird way. After first cup of tea I write my morning thoughts and do some reading which is followed by short nap. After which another cup of tea or coffee and something to eat which is followed by another round of writing and reading. This is how my noon is.

My actual day starts after that sham ki chai. Evening is for dinner preparation, laundry, and other chores. After dinner another one hour of writing before I sleep. My day is divided into parts, while three fourth is for me the other one fourth is for the family unless it’s weekend, it’s a different story then.

I manage my time for writing for my own happiness so if food has too be cooked, poems have to be brewed too, I call it scaling my brain nerves or there’s too much clogging.

Now family is used of this weird lifestyle, they know there is someone with them who is always dreamy and always walking away soemwhere and they love it when I am with them with that book in my hand they don’t judge me maybe they know if I am reading it’s to stay away from my own mind.

If you are a poet
relationships matter.
They will either make you free
or bind you.
In your words it will reflect
how free is your soul.



Priyanka Srivastava

Editor of Literary Impulse, Writer when I am free, Artist when my words are silent and reader when there are books which I love to read.