Mystery of the Tree That Made the Cross

Revealed Exactly How God Intended

Dave Richards


Photo by Liam Pozz on Unsplash

Have you ever wondered what kind of tree was used for the cross on which Jesus was crucified?

Maybe you haven’t, but dozens have. That question has been the subject of all kinds of legends and stories for centuries.

Some traditional views claim that it was a dogwood tree. But that’s a legend born from a poem from an unknown author. Jewish researchers have determined that the dogwood tree is not native to Israel.

Some believe the cross was constructed using the cedar tree for the main beam, cypress for the transverse, and the footrest of the palm. But that’s another romantic idea that cannot be proven. Roman soldiers were certainly not that sophisticated.

It’s not even clear that Jesus was crucified on a “cross” per se. More likely, it was just a single stake, a part of a tree adapted for the purpose. “The Cross” was adopted as a symbol for Christianity many years after the Crucifixion.

The Bible does not say what kind of tree was used. And I believe that that is precisely the way God intended it. Because, when it comes down to it, the type of wood does not matter.

Think about this, with all the symbolism in scripture, a specific kind of wood used to make the cross would…



Dave Richards

Dave’s “purpose in life” is to help working people discover their own purpose, and so live life with passion to achieve their highest potential possible.