Profitable Digital Product Creation Tips

Let’s Bust Some Digital Product Creation Myths

Here’s the 3 biggest myths I see everyday with members…

Jeff the Content Profit Coach
Published in
3 min readNov 27, 2021


Photo by Léa Dubedout on Unsplash

The last time we got together you discovered how you never know what hangs in the balance when you create your content. You can still check it out here.

Today we’re going to bust the 3 biggest myths about digital product creation. Then we’re going to reveal the profitable truth about each digital product creation myth {best part}.

Ready to get started? Here we go:

Busting 3 Profit Sucking Myths about Digital Product Creation

Myth 1: Creating digital products is for other people, you know, like the Goo-Roos

When I was a counseling psychologist in private practice, I would read a weekly newspaper column by a parenting expert. While I often agreed with much of what the parenting expert said, he tended to say it in a nasty way, which went well with his picture that looked like he’d just bit into a lemon.

While I often agreed with much of what the parenting expert said, he tended to say it in a nasty way, which went well with his picture that looked…



Jeff the Content Profit Coach

Create online content & covert it into profitable digital products with my exclusive Content Profit System => No Experience Necessary