Nagorno Karabakh Conflict. Part 1: What is Really Going On?

Azerbaijan is at war (yes, in 2020) to restore its territorial integrity

Turkan Devrijova


Map of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Source:

Today is the 13th day of the war. I can’t write. I can't focus and work. All I do is checking the news and social networks frequently, trying to share honest and unbiased information as much as possible. I want to do the best of all I can, as I feel like it’s my responsibility as a citizen. Because my country is at the war with Armenia over our motherland Nagorno-Karabakh that was occupied in the beginning of 1990s. And war is not a fun thing to deal with, believe me.

It took me three days to write this post. Because I wanted to research more, cover the most updated information as much as possible, also to calm down a bit so that I can shed light on facts as well as the emotional aspects of this war.

At this moment, while I am writing this post, history is being written in Moscow. Azerbaijani and Armenian foreign ministers are at the meeting with Lavrov to discuss the fate of further events. All eyes are in Moscow now. The whole country is waiting awake. Until they finish the negotarions, let me take you to the whirlpool of a bloody history.

UPDATE* Day 14. Humanitarian ceasefire (from 12 to 72 hours) was agreed in the meeting to exchange prisoners

