Naval Ravikant’s Life Lessons on Joe Rogan’s Podcast To Change Your Life For The Better

I revisit this every six months to refresh my knowledge.

Vivek Naskar


Photo of Naval Ravikant from Wikipedia Commons

The other day, I was listening to Joe Rogan’s podcast while I was coding on one of my applications, and I was extremely happy to hear the name of the guest.

It was none other than Naval ‘Awesome’ Ravikant. Yeah, awesome is just a lame adjective for a genius like Naval.

For those who are unfamiliar, Naval Ravikant is an Indian-American entrepreneur and investor. He is AngelList’s co-founder, chairman, and former CEO. He is well-known for his early-stage investments in over 200 companies, including Stack Overflow, Uber, Twitter, Postmates, and Clubhouse. Furthermore, he is recognized as an idol by entrepreneurs, a hero by investors, and is respected by just about everyone in Silicon Valley.

However, Naval is popular for being one of the smartest and “nicest” entrepreneurs who have been sharing wisdom with millions of his followers. In fact, on May 31, 2018, he posted a tweet storm that quickly went viral.

Tweetstorm by Naval Ravikant in 2018



Vivek Naskar

A software developer by the day and a writer by the night!