Navigating Korean Culture-Part 2

Do’s and don’ts for fun and friendly Interactions!

4 min readNov 21, 2023


Hey there, fellow explorers! Welcome to a vibrant journey into the heart of Korean culture, where tradition meets modernity, and every corner has a story to tell. Whether you’re planning a trip to the Land of the Morning Calm or simply intrigued by the customs of this captivating country, I’m here to guide you through the cultural do’s and don’ts that will make your experience in Korea not only enjoyable but also respectful and memorable.

👍 DO Take Off Your Shoes Inside

removing shoes before entering the house (image credits to Pinterest)[]

When entering a Korean home, kick off your shoes at the doorstep. It’s like shedding your worries and bringing in good vibes. Plus, you’ll feel like a cozy home invader (the polite kind, of course)!

👎 DON’T Forget to Use Both Hands

Receiving a phone with 2 hands as a gesture of respect (image credits to gdaykorea)[]

When offering or receiving something, use both hands. It shows respect and appreciation. Imagine trying to catch a basketball with one hand; it’s just not as secure or polite!

👍 DO Try Soju

Jimin from BTS opening a soju bottle (image credits to Jimin’s parents.) []

Korea’s favorite party companion is Soju. It’s like the friendly neighborhood ghost that pops up at every gathering. So, give it a shot (literally), and join the local spirit!

👎 DON’T Show Public Affection

a couple walking walking hodling waist in public (image credits to chrissantosra on wordpress) []

Public displays of affection aren’t common in Korea, so save your smooching for private moments. You don’t want to become an unexpected attraction on the streets!

👍 DO Know Your Age

Image: Image of people celebrating a birthday (image credits to Pinterest) []

In Korea, age matters, and it’s essential to know your place. Addressing someone by their appropriate title, based on age, shows respect. It’s like playing the ultimate age guessing game!

👎 DON’T Interrupt While Someone Is Speaking

2 people conversing (image credits to optilingo) []

In Korean culture, interrupting someone while they’re speaking is considered impolite. So, be patient and wait for your turn to share your thoughts or questions during a conversation. It’s like taking turns in a friendly game of conversation tennis!

👍 DO Hike Like a Local

Image: Image of a scenic Korean hiking trail (image credits to grrrltraveler) []

Koreans love to hike, and you should too! Strap on your hiking boots, pack some kimchi sandwiches, and hit the trails. It’s like joining a never-ending treasure hunt for stunning views and bonding with locals.

👎 DON’T Wear Revealing Outfits

red velvet members dressed up modestly (image credits to Quora) []

Korean fashion leans towards modesty, so keep your bikini or speedo for the beach. Cover up a bit and avoid turning into a beachy spectacle while strolling through Seoul.

👍 DO Engage in Karaoke

Image: Image of people singing karaoke (image credits to Pinterest) []

Karaoke isn’t just singing; it’s a national sport in Korea. So, unleash your inner rockstar, grab the mic, and belt out some K-pop hits with the locals. Just don’t expect a standing ovation!

👎 DON’T Point Your Feet

Image: Image of crossed legs (image credits to Pinterest) []

Pointing your feet at someone is considered impolite in Korea. So, don’t let your toes steal the spotlight during a conversation. Cross your legs with care!

Now that you’re armed with these invaluable cultural insights, go out there and explore Korea with confidence and respect. The people of Korea are known for their warm hospitality, and they’ll appreciate your efforts to embrace their traditions. So, bow, savor the local delicacies, and dive into the vibrant tapestry of this wonderful country.

Thank you for joining me on this cultural journey through Korea! If you enjoyed these quick tips and want to continue exploring the world’s diverse cultures, don’t forget to follow my Medium profile. Let’s stay connected as we continue to learn, grow, and explore together.

Happy learning and happy travels! 🌏✨





Sangita: Exploring Korean. Join me on a journey of language discovery. <3<3<3