Navigating Love

How to Build Your Relationship Lighthouse

Story Taller


“Our Lighthouse” image created by @author using WEPIK

There is a reason why “Know Thyself” was the first on the Delphi Oracle.

When we know ourselves, we are better at sporting incongruencies. We are better at balancing the knowing and the unknowing, the rational and the intuition.
Everything around us seems clear and easier to understand.
When we do not know ourselves, we are prone to overlook our blind spots, make rushed decisions, and fall into dysfunctional patterns, over and over.

This is even more important in a couple's relationship.
If I know I am prone to angry outbursts, I need to learn how to prevent them.
I need to know what triggers me until the point of saying “the most brilliant thing I will later regret”, and how to use the same warrior energy constructively.

I also need to know my spouse. What triggers him? What is his Modus Operandus, his default way of reacting to stress, and how this makes things easier or harder for me?

Each of us has a default way of getting out of track.
Mine is speaking my mind no matter what. I am in “dragon mode”.
The funny and not-so-funny part is that while there is value in speaking our minds, there is also a lot of danger if speaking our minds…



Story Taller

Writer, Tantra therapist, and Laughter Yoga teacher. I love writing about life, love, and hope. I dream about starting a holistic retreat center in Portugal. 🙂