Navigating Through The Chaos: How To Find Peace When Life Is A Mess

"Real life is chaotic. And no matter how hard you work to live a perfect life, there will always be good days and bad days."- Unknown Author

Justine Jacob


Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

Three years ago one fine morning, my friend John called me and told me that his life was in a mess. He has a relationship issue with his wife and a divorce case is going on in the family court. The 'spectators' enjoying the show think that it was John who created the problems to break his relationship with his wife. But I knew the real stories behind the divorce case.

My friend worked in the UK for 15 years and built a business in India. It was running smoothly when four years ago his wife's relatives, who were managers of his business took away most of his fortunes.

The business collapsed and a court case is going on against the relatives. John tried his best to compromise, to avoid a court case, but his wife's relatives refused to relent.

My friend was allowed to meet his 12-year-old son once a month only. John cried bitterly and asked me, "What will I do Justine? Give me a solution to come out of the mess in my life." I told him to wait for a day and hung up the phone. Humanly speaking it was difficult to tackle this situation in John's life. This was not a unique case, but one among thousands of other similar cases in our country.

I felt like praying for him. I prayed a rosary for him and his family. Most of us might have heard stories like these or read books about incidents of a similar nature. Few of you might have watched movies about how families break up, which affects the life of husband and wife along with their children.

The next day I called John and told him to depend on God rather than curse Him. He started to regularly attend holy mass and spent time praying, even for his enemies.

This continued for three years after which John officially got divorced from his wife. He married another woman who was a doctor by profession whose husband died in an accident.

Her name was Julie. She had two children, James and Sophia 15 and 13 years respectively. Long story short, John won the court case and inherited all the lost wealth. John, his wife Julie, and the children are flying to Switzerland next month. Julie got a good offer from the health ministry in Switzerland as a Senior Physician. John sold his business to one of his friends for 10 million dollars.

Think for yourself, "How John came out of the mess in his life leaning on God's power rather than lamenting about his fate."

We too can come out of any crisis in life with the love and support of our loved ones and the blessings of the Almighty. Let us live a principled life in this world, leaving everything in the hands of God.



Justine Jacob

After reading my thoughts on life you will be encouraged to come out of difficult situations in life. Lonely people will find meaning in their life.