Navigating work stress for a happier life

Ankur Mongia
Published in
4 min read20 hours ago
AI Generated image of a corprate worker in stress generated using CoPilot

Managing stress at work is a key to happy life

We’ve all experienced those sleepless nights, replaying an issue related to clients, bosses, or key stakeholders in our heads. Stress at work isn’t just about big deadlines, often it’s the smaller issues that quietly pile up over a while.

I’ve personally had sleepless nights stressing over things that, in hindsight, were totally manageable. But in the moment, they feel overwhelming and can spill over into your work and personal life.

If not managed properly, stress can quickly affect how we function daily, making it hard to focus, communicate, and even enjoy life outside of work. That’s why it’s so important to get ahead of it and manage stress before it turns into a burnout situation.

Here are some tips that have helped me manage my stress better over the last few years:

1. Prioritize and Organize Your Tasks: One of the biggest sources of stress is feeling like there’s too much to do and not enough time. I usually start my week by listing all my tasks in a simple spreadsheet and assigning priorities. The key is identifying which tasks can wait and which need immediate attention. This gives me a clear view of what’s ahead for the week, helping me stay focused and avoid last-minute panic.

2. Plan Quiet/Thinking Time: Setting aside some quiet time to think can be a game changer. It doesn’t have to be much — 30 to 45 minutes during the day can work wonders. This time allows for processing challenges, reflecting on work, and staying on top of tasks without feeling stressed.

3. Find Your Meditation: Meditation doesn’t have to mean sitting cross-legged in silence for hours. It’s about finding what calms the mind. Whether it’s deep breathing, a short walk, or simply taking a few minutes to disconnect from everything, finding that mental reset helps manage stress more effectively. Personally, music and a short walk work wonders for me, and I often use them as tools to regain focus.

4. Rediscover joy in your hobbies/interests: While work is important, it’s equally essential to carve out time for activities you enjoy outside of it. Whether it’s playing a sport, reading, painting, or simply watching a movie, dedicating time to hobbies helps keep work stress in check. Even setting aside time once or twice a week can make a significant difference, allowing for a recharge so that when returning to work, one isn’t completely drained

5. Seek Support: When work stress starts to build, don’t try to tackle it all alone. Reach out to a colleague, your manager, or even a friend. Simply talking about what’s stressing you out can make it feel more manageable, and others can often help with a fresh perspective or practical solutions. Many organizations also provide mentorship options or helplines, which can be beneficial when things get too overwhelming. Don’t hesitate to reach out and never underestimate the power of a short pep talk in overcoming challenges.

a few minutes to disconnect from everything, finding that mental reset helps manage stress more effectively. Personally, music and a short walk work wonders for me, and I often use them as tools to regain focus.

4. Rediscover joy in your hobbies/interests: While work is important, it’s equally essential to carve out time for activities you enjoy outside of it. Whether it’s playing a sport, reading, painting, or simply watching a movie, dedicating time to hobbies helps keep work stress in check. Even setting aside time once or twice a week can make a significant difference, allowing for a recharge so that when returning to work, one isn’t completely drained

5. Seek Support: When work stress starts to build, don’t try to tackle it all alone. Reach out to a colleague, your manager, or even a friend. Simply talking about what’s stressing you out can make it feel more manageable, and others can often help with a fresh perspective or practical solutions. Many organizations also provide mentorship options or helplines, which can be beneficial when things get too overwhelming. Don’t hesitate to reach out and never underestimate the power of a short pep talk in overcoming challenges.

In summary, managing stress involves preventing issues from accumulating in your mind over time. It’s about adopting strategies that enable effective coping, ensuring that stress doesn’t disrupt daily life or well-being.

In summary, managing stress involves preventing issues from accumulating in your mind over time. It’s about adopting strategies that enable effective coping, ensuring that stress doesn’t disrupt daily life or well-being.



Ankur Mongia

A seasoned tech leader with 20+ years in asset mgt domain, driving global teams, digital transformation, tech strategies to boost client exp & maximize revenue.